how I got here…

Never Enough….

Is something I spent the vast majority of my life feeling, not pretty enough, not intelligent enough, not capable enough, the list is endless…..

Keeping myself small, people pleasing, sacrificing my happiness and giving free rein to my inner critic to run the show.

I spent the vast majority of my 20’s and 30’s working hard and playing even harder. I self soothed with booze, late nights and all the delights that come with that lifestyle, trying to fill a void but all it did was create an even deeper divide between myself and the person I was craving to become.

through all of the inner turmoil and deep rooted lack of self worth I was experiencing, I always felt at my core that I was playing small and that I had so much more to give. even though I took the long route, I never gave up on this feeling, although I did ignore it at times.

fast forward to now and I am a fully qualified personal performance coach having decided to leave a job that was draining my energy and happiness and completely out of alignment with my true self.

my purpose in life is to help as many people as possible realise how capable you are of achieving whatever your heart desires when you put your mind to it, and that you can completely transform the relationship you have with yourself and your life when you dedicate time to your self development.

Harriet Barton Holistic Coaching By Harriet sitting on stairs
  • have exceptionally low tolerance for bullshit

  • practical, logical, analytical, kind, nurturing, honest, proactive, loyal

  • obsessed with understanding the how and why of everything

a bit more…

Harriet Barton Holistic Coaching By Harriet sitting on stairs holding Watson her dog
  • love 90’s hip hop, dNB and dance music

  • love reading, don’t watch tv, listen to podcasts - huberman lab, joe rogan, joe dispenza anything self improvement related and high performance

  • no children, two rescue dogs, happily living in sin with my man for the past 10 years

  • used to party a lot but got bored of people chewing my ear off while they were off their box

  • find small talk mind-numbingly boring and don’t want to socialise past 8pm

  • love being outdoors and walking for hours in the countryside

plants in ground being watered from watering can
two hands clasped together holding small plant in soil in palms

at the heart of what I do is to help you create a thriving and harmonious relationship with yourself. when you have a sense of inner peace and self acceptance, you naturally have so much more clarity and drive to improve other areas of your life.

it is my belief that for any long lasting change to occur within your external world, you need to first go inwards and address who you are at your core - 80% is always the inner work and 20% is your strategy.

the environment you have created within your mind is the key to your overall success in life and if you are out of alignment within your mind then your life will follow suit.

I take a holistic approach in my coaching by working with the whole you by starting in your mind and specifically your subconscious to reprogramme it with the thoughts, that are in alignment with the ideal version of yourself you wish to embody and the future you want to create.

95% of everything you do is driven by your subconscious, which was created by the programme that was installed in you by your primary care givers and the environments you were exposed to in your formative years, this was then locked in place around the age of 7 and was added to over the years with all of the events and experiences you’ve had leading you to the person you are today, the good the bad and everything in between.

if your conscious mind is saying ‘‘I am going to improve my self belief’’ but your subconscious mind is saying ‘‘the fuck you are’’ unless you have your conscious and subconscious mind on the same page, your subconscious and your negative disempowering beliefs will continue to dominate, that’s why tapping into your subconscious is the sweet spot to your success and uncovering your true potential.

how I work

why our 40’s?

there is huge shift that happens within you when you enter into your 4th decade.

your gaze turns inwards and you start to question and evaluate everything in your life and what it all actually means.

the foundations you lay and the work you do now will determine how the rest of your life pans out in the coming years

there is a misconception that making yourself and your needs a priority means you are selfish and self absorbed. this is illogical and counter productive to your development, because if you ignore your own needs you will be less able to show up for the people around you. it’s in their best interest to get the best version of you for the sake of everyone’s happiness.

by committing to doing ‘‘the work’’ means you are able to have a more genuine and authentic relationship with yourself and other people, thus making your interactions more meaningful and fulfilling.

taking the time now to dedicate time to yourself and your inner work means you can finally set yourself free from the constraints of your mind that have dictated how you feel, how you live and how you see yourself up to this point.

think of this decade as your self liberation and future prepping phase to fulfilment and freedom.


  • no, I’m not a trained therapist, therefore I can’t help you overcome past trauma. however, there is a crossover in the sense that both modalities are rooted in psychology and human behaviour. I help you dig into negative beliefs by challenging their validity and what impact they are having on your life and overall wellbeing, then guide you to decide what new beliefs you wish to implant instead, focusing on how these will aid you in your future endeavours.

  • the framework that I use is tried and tested and has been used over the decades (and some of it the centuries) by countless other self development coaches. The question to actually ask is - are you ready to do the work required for you to improve your life and the relationship with yourself? there is nothing I can do to help you if you don’t help yourself. if you don’t believe it will work and you can’t change then it won’t and neither will you, it really is that simple.

  • I 100% understand this mindset. it can be so hard to imagine yourself any other way than how you are now, but nothing changes if nothing changes! how do you know what the outcome could be if you haven’t tried? but I have you may say, well maybe the process you tried in the past wasn’t right for you to get the desired results? if you continue to lean into the fear and stay in your comfort zone then nothing will ever change. I am here to support you and you are 100% safe in this process. it’s time to get some fire in your belly and see what you are capable of!

  • your goals, desires and intentions. who you want to become and what you want to create in your life. I provide you with a completely safe and secure environment where you can share freely, openly, honestly and without any judgement. you can literally talk about anything you want and I will keep you on track to ensure it remains a productive coaching session.

  • it will vary depending on where you are in the process but to start off with you bring your goals, intentions or desires, you’ll make a plan of how they will be achieved and what steps and actions you will need to take to achieve them. we’ll review your progress. we’ll dig into any resistance and blocks that may come up. we’ll look at what new habits you might want to introduce to aid you. we’ll fine tune you and every part of your life for a brighter, happier and fulfilling present and future!

  • No problem, book a free 30 minute discovery call for us to chat about any questions or queries you may have that aren’t listed here.

ready to do the inner work?