1:1 Coaching

time to get familiar with the unfamiliar

waterfall with pool of water on top section of rock face

how it works

  • book a call - book your free 30 minute discovery call for us to informally discuss what you are looking to achieve and if my services are right for your needs, plus to see if we are a ‘‘good fit’’, as mutual chemistry is vital for the process.

  • pick a programme - together we’ll discuss which of my programmes is best suited to your current needs.

  • make a payment - either pay in full or the first instalment to sign up to your chosen programme. clarity is to be paid in full.

  • fill out pre session questionnaire - all programmes have a questionnaire to be completed two weeks prior to your first session for me to gain a deeper understanding of your current situation and what you are looking to achieve from our time together.

  • receive your welcome pack - once payment has been received, you shall be emailed your welcome pack outlining all of the details of what you can expect during our time together, plus all other relevant paperwork such as your agreement and terms and conditions etc…

close up of 6 terracotta plant pots with herbs in each one
multiple individually planted seeds sprouting

we cover

  • the self audit - what parts of you is it time to consciously uncouple from?

  • the true you - who are you at your core and who do you want to become?

  • the life audit - forensically examine each area of your life deciding what stays and what goes.

  • The plan - create a clear roadmap of what you’re doing and where you’re going in the coming weeks, months and years by setting goals and intentions.

  • the resistance - time to go deep into what’s holding you back from believing in yourself and the programme that has been installed into you creating these blocks.

  • boundaries - learn how to protect your mental and emotional wellbeing by creating parameters of tolerance within your relationships.

  • emotional resilience - learn how to control your emotional state for greater inner peace and harmony.

  • embrace the fear - cultivate the courage to push out of your comfort zone into the unfamiliar to realise your true potential.

  • self liberation - no more people pleasing - you cannot please all of the people all of the time and not everyone is going to like you and that’s ok.

  • self love and acceptance - the backbone of this process and the ‘‘work’’. aren’t you exhausted of working against yourself? isn’t it time to fully embrace your true self? you really are pretty fucking cool and utterly lovable, so it’s time to start believing it!

stop being so hard on yourself, look how far you’ve come and get excited about what you get to create for your future and the person you can become!

what you get

  • initial sessions 90 minutes to gather as much information as possible.

  • post session email breakdowns with what was discussed.

  • additional information that I feel would aid you at a specific part of the process.

  • tools and exercises (of the mind kind) to use between sessions to aid you in the process.

  • weekly voice or written messages (not included in the clarity programme) relating to your desired outcome to aid you In the process, help with motivation, additional clarity and continued support.

  • whatsapp communication monday to friday between 9 - 6pm to briefly discuss any blocks, celebrate any wins and anything else relevant to your development. not available on the clarity programme, limited to 2 days on the alignment programme and unlimited on the transformation programme.

  • weekly post programme email support and communication. not available on the clarity programme, up to 2 weeks post the alignment programme and up to 4 weeks post the transformation programme.

antique style old map laid out flat
snow topped mountains with straight gravel road leading to them and parked motorcycle on right hand side

the tools

  • neuroplasticity -
    the process by which you learn everything! neurons that fire together wire together!
    the process of learning is done by following and repeating a certain set of actions, again and again and again…… you get the idea.

    your negative and disempowering thoughts are just a specific combination of thoughts that you have on a rinse and repeat loop. It’s time to put a circuit breaker in this thought pattern (current programme) and override it with the new desired thoughts (reprogramme).

  • awareness -
    aka meditation and mindfulness. there is a very large misconception that meditation requires you to completely shut off your thoughts, utter bollocks!

    no, it’s a tool to be learnt whereby you are training your mind to be in the present moment and create more order and calm within your thoughts, which then alters the chemical signals released into your body such as feelings of calmness making you more centred.

    this is relevant because, when you have a disordered mind (aka you’re mind is controlling you) it is harder to regulate your emotions, your mental resilience is reduced and you will be more prone to living in anxiety, stress and depression.

    the vast majority of people are ruminating over the past or catastrophising about the future. in the present moment you are doing neither because your conscious mind is focused on the here and now.

    as with learning anything new, you may feel resistance when you first try it, this is perfectly normal, but with patience and practice, you’ll get to a state where you are able to turn the volume right down on your inner critic and instead turn the volume right up (to 11) on your true positive empowered self.

  • breathwork -
    the fast and easiest way to regulate your autonomic nervous system and restore calm and order within yourself. Learn simple exercises to add to your toolbox when you need them.

  • visualisation -
    struggle to visualise, well you can imagine can’t you, you do it all the time when you’re letting your inner critic take you back to that one time you said something you wish you hadn’t and you cringe every time you relive the experience, don’t sweat it, we’ve all done it.

    the subconscious mind loves visuals, so part of the process is to flood it with the images that are in line with your goals and desires.

  • brain dumping -
    aka journaling. the act of putting physical pen to paper to write down your goals and desires creates a deeper connection within you to them. by regularly reviewing your goals you are keeping them in the firing line of your reticular activating system, your internal sorting and processing office of information.

    brain dumping is also an excellent way of getting all of the crap out of your head that’s bogging you down.

  • creating -
    aka manifesting. I completely understand that influencers have hijacked this magnificent process and turned it in to a nauseating buzzword and trend of the moment but this process has been practiced for centuries and is steeped in ancient cultures and traditions.

    at it’s core, the process is designed to help you cultivate the emotions of what it will feel like when you are confident and when you’ve got the life you desire (etc) before the event or outcome has occurred. it’s effectively priming and prepping your mind and body ready for the results in anticipation.

    your mind doesn’t know the difference between a real and an imagined event, so this mind and body rehearsal is another vital tool in the reprogramming process. this is the most basic and simple explanation of the process. and what people don’t realise, is, you are manifesting every day all the bloody time, everything that is in your life you have created.

  • habits -
    ultimately, what you are doing is creating new habits, and habits are formed by repeating a specific set of actions that you do so frequently you are no longer using your conscious mind to carry them out (as is done during the process of learning new things).

    once locked in, you will be doing them automatically (via the subconscious) and therefor they will be part of your new identity and will become second nature, and your new default. your thoughts and behaviours are habits (i.e., thought and behaviour patterns) and what you are doing is replacing negative and disempowering ones with more positive and empowering ones.

multiple rows of bookshelves with long row of lightbulbs

the programmes

clarity £120

single 90 minute session via video

designed for when you need immediate clarity on a specific situation.
Also a good place to start if you are new to coaching and want to get a feel for how it works before you commit to a longer programme.

two wild mushrooms growing out of ground next to each other

alignment £595

3 months - 6 sessions via video
1x 90 minute session 5x 60 minute sessions

designed for when you want to bring one or two areas of yourself and your life back into alignment.
weekly sessions are an option and can be discussed in your discovery call.

sun rising in distance over mountains with person standing on top of mountain

transformation £1,200

6 months - 12 sessions via video
1x 90 minute session 11x 60 minute sessions

designed for when you are ready to commit to a complete self and life transformation.
weekly sessions are an option and can be discussed in your discovery call.

what you put in to this experience is what you get out. the more you show up for yourself and commit to the process, the quicker you will see and feel the results, it’s that simple.

what I am doing is not revolutionary, and in fact, anyone who works in the self development field all follows pretty much the same set of principles, which shows you that 1. this shit works, 2. we all want the same things in life - have a better relationship with ourselves, get the most out of our lives and to be happy, healthy and financially secure (amongst other things).

some people might put a different spin on what it is we’re actually doing to help you but ultimately all roads lead back to the same place, helping you to believe in yourself and have the courage to go after what you want in life. therefore, it really boils down to you finding someone that you trust and like to help you, and that you know you will be in safe hands with.

I am not a miracle worker, I can give you all of the exercises to aid you and ask you every question under the sun but if you aren’t willing to trust the process and go into this with an open mind, little will change.

this process requires you to be wholeheartedly honest with yourself and at times, you will find it really difficult.

change only occurs with consistency, nothing is overnight and you are required to continue with the principles once your sessions with me end.

what you are doing is adopting new thought patterns and creating new habits and behaviours, and to learn new thoughts, habits and behaviours and unlearn years of disempowering and self sabotaging thoughts and behaviours takes time, but again, how long this takes depends on you.

I cannot stress enough how you can literally create a new version of yourself and a life in complete alignment with your desires and values when you put your mind to it and believe in yourself and your infinite capabilities. how does anyone master anything, they practice and practice some more until it become second nature, again it’s that simple. learning how to get out of your own way and empower your mind is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

one of the main keys to this is the accountability and support. if you have someone in your life that can provide you with that, you don’t need coaching, use them but if you don’t have that, then you will greatly benefit from coaching!

sun coming through rows of tall trees with winding path in middle and purple flowers growing each side of path


still undecided? book a free discovery call